Located in Cap-Pelé, New Brunswick, Canada, we are known as the WORLD CAPITAL of smoked herring. We produce 95% of the world market of smoked herring. Seventeen producers have formed an alliance to combine resources to create a distribution company known today as Cap-Pelé Herring Export Inc.\ Les Exportations de Hareng Cap-Pelé Inc.

Our goals

We are committed to serve our new and existing clients. We continue to build long term business relationship with a solid foundation of mutual trust. Satisfying our customer’s needs in a timely and effective manner is a high priority. To warrant the products we market, we implement the HACCP plan. This branding assures our customers that only the finest quality of herring is processed. We are an available facility in the marketplace where you can purchase different high quality products year round at a fixed price.

We are just one phone call away to answer any questions you may have. Our sales manager and administration assistant will be more then happy to assist you.